A Website Development Course typically covers everything from the fundamentals of building a website to more advanced topics such as responsive design, back-end integration, and deployment. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of the topics that might be covered in a Website Development course:
Website Development Course Modules
The syllabus includes both theoretical and practical components:
1. Introduction to Web Development
- Overview of Web Development (Frontend vs Backend)
- Types of Websites (Static vs Dynamic)
- Basic Web Development Tools (Text Editors, Browsers, Developer Tools)
2. HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
- Structure of a Web Page (HTML Elements, Tags, Attributes)
- Common HTML Tags (Headings, Paragraphs, Links, Lists, Images)
- Working with Forms (Input fields, Buttons, Select elements)
- HTML5 Semantic Elements (header, footer, article, section, etc.)
- Embedding Multimedia (Audio, Video, and iframes)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- Introduction to CSS and Syntax
- Applying Styles to HTML Elements (Colors, Fonts, Borders, Margins, Padding)
- CSS Selectors, Classes, and IDs
- CSS Box Model (Content, Padding, Border, Margin)
- Layout Techniques (Flexbox, Grid, Float)
- Responsive Design with Media Queries
- CSS Animations and Transitions
- Using External CSS (External Style Sheets, Linking)
4. JavaScript (JS)
- Introduction to JavaScript and
- Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Control Structures (Conditionals, Loops)
- Functions and Events
- DOM Manipulation (Selecting, Modifying, and Removing Elements)
- Working with Forms and Validations
- JavaScript Objects, Arrays, and JSON
- Asynchronous JavaScript (Promises, Async/Await)
- Debugging JavaScript with Developer Tools
5. Responsive Web Design (RWD)
- Introduction to Mobile-First Design
Fluid Layouts and Flexible Images
Using CSS Media Queries for Responsive Design
Creating Adaptive and Mobile-Friendly Websites
Cross-Browser Compatibility (Handling Browser Differences)
Best Practices for User Experience (UX) on Mobile
6. Front-End Frameworks and Libraries
- Introduction to Front-End Frameworks (Bootstrap)
- Using Bootstrap for Building Responsive Layouts
- Introduction to JavaScript Libraries (jQuery, Axios)
- Introduction to Modern JavaScript Frameworks (React, Angular)
- Working with Components, States, and Props in React
- Building a Simple Application with React
7. Backend Development
- Introduction to Server-Side Programming
- Overview of Backend Languages (Python, PHP)
- Introduction to Databases (SQL vs NoSQL)
- Creating and Interacting with Databases (CRUD Operations)
- RESTful API Basics (HTTP, Methods, Status Codes)
- Introduction to Node.js and Express (for Backend with JavaScript)
- Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
8. Database Integration
- Introduction to Databases (Relational vs Non-relational)
- SQL Basics (Tables, Queries, Joins, Constraints)
- Using MySQL/PostgreSQL for Backend
- Introduction to NoSQL Databases (MongoDB)
- Connecting a Website to a Database via Server-Side Languages
9. Web Hosting and Deployment
- Introduction to Web Hosting (What is Web Hosting?)
- Domain Name Registration and DNS Configuration
- Deploying Websites (Using GitHub Pages)
- Introduction to Cloud Hosting (AWS, Pyhtonanywhere etc.)
- Deploying Full-Stack Applications to Production
9. Final Project
- Building a Full Website (Static or Dynamic)
- Applying Front-End and Back-End Concepts
- Implementing Responsive Design, User Authentication, and a Database
- Testing, Debugging, and Optimizing the Website
- Deploying the Project to a Live Server
- Code Review and Project Evaluation
Priya Verma
I am O level student. This institute is best. For computer courses .The method of teaching is awesome.